Was so hard to think about my personal project, many ideas come through my mind  until this awesome idea come into my mind, by doing a guide of Amsterdam i can learn about the city that i am living in as well as doing my personal project.
My first step was investigate about the guides and how they are structured, so I can follow the simple notion of how is made a guide, so I went to the library and took two Amsterdam guides from the many that were there.

4 comentários:

  1. very interesting project.
    I think it would be important to think for whom you will produce this guide: for youngsters, older people, families, poor or rich people etc.
    It seems to me also important to define what tourist attractions are: special buildongs, theatres, museum, or also interesting marketplaces, weird shops, funny restaurants, traditional neighbourhoods. What about the cultural diversity, the amount of nationalities and their way of life and places of cultural expressions.

    Just some ideas!

    with love,


  2. sure that's what I was also thinking, I will consider how i should apply your ideas and than I show u

  3. you could think what you would like to know about the city if you woudl go there the firts time. Or what your friends from Brazil would like to know. or what you would like to show them. GOOD LUCK

  4. amsterdam by bike?
    amsterdam by feet?
    amsterdam by boat?
    amsterdam by tram?
